Tuesday, 21 December 2010

The Lieutenant of Dol Guldur has been nerfed

We had an (in the end) successfull Hard-Mode run on the Lieutenant yesterday. Somehow, I am not sure, if we really deserved it. On the other hand, it was my first attempt on Lore-Master and I still am happy, to be part of a successfull run.

The Lore-Master is the third class I brought to the LT (after Hunter and Minstrel). My role as Lore-Master? Battery for the Minstrel and healing Rune-Keeper as well as a bit of debuffing, corruption removal and pet-keeper.

After two wipes, the third attempt was a success. Even thought the fight has been nerfed A LOT it still needs some skill and coordination. Positioning is still a problem for a lot of people and whenever possible, I try not to stand still in one place. I think most would be overstrained to do the fight like I do, but I do die less than the rest.

I did die on the first attempt. I was kiting the Fellbiest and had to run through two pools. Dread was high already, so I was on half health. I took one damage and resisted the other pool and lost the fixate of the fell-biest. I was running to the group and wanted to use a health-potion, when I got hit by the breath of the Fellbiest. They have nerfed some aspects of the fight, but the breath-attack seems to go further than previously.

Winning one or two more pieces (I have 135 radiance on the Lore-Master) will much reduce the effect of the dread and make me more efficient.

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