Monday, 28 February 2011

Lieutenant Six Man Hard Mode Attempt

Yes, attempt, in short, we failed.

We did have a successful Lieutenant Six Man Easy Mode Run some weeks ago. Now we tried a Hard Mode (yes, it has been done successfully by others before).

As group setup, we used two Hunters, two Rune-Keepers and a Captain and a Guardian.

In hindsight, I might switch the Captain for a Warden. But maybe this is because I hardly play Captain ;). All tha other groups I saw, have used a Captain, some have added a Burglar or a Lore-Master.

I joined on Hunter

We had locks for BG I and II so we staret with the first guards. We got killed by them on the first try, but then, things went smoothly. Even when, stupid me, pulled a second of those annoying light. Luckily, the first light was on 15k, so it didn't take that long.

Our tank died on the wights, which we usually take as a good sign (he almost dies in every raid we go, doesn't matter if he is on Guardian or Lore-Master).

The first attemt at the Lieutenant went quite well, we managed to stationary tank him most of the time but the first death caused a wipe. Second try was bad. The third try went better but the forth and last try was nowhere near a success.

We had problems with corruption removal. I used Improved Dazing Blow, but it is slow (or at least feels like it) and I had more fails then success. I rather like the ranged skills of the Lore-Master and such.

Even though we did not succeed on this run, we learnt a lot and I am sure, that a next (and hopefully successful) run will take place soon.


  1. Using a warden as tank would solve the corruption problem.

  2. I checked other six-man-runs and was suprised to find no group with a Warden and all groups with a Captain. The Guardian has some advantages and probably with a Captain, his survivability is the best. Still, the Warden seems to have the least problems with the corruption handling.
