Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Frothskold from Ivar Tier 2

Yesterday, we managed to do Ivar again on Tier 2 and he left a shield behind. Needless to say, with these stats, it was a very happy Minstrel.

It is in purple but the lucky Minstrel seemed to like it anyway. To be honest, with those stats, what is not to like?


  1. lol this on humans is the biggest shield of the game xDD

  2. what robe is that on the minstrel? i have been trying to find that robe for 3 weeks and no one i ask will tell me what it is. i have a lvl 74 dwarf guardian and id love to see what it looks like on him. pls get back to me as soon as possible i really want to outfit him in it in a different colour of course

  3. It is the Frostbluff Robe of Thanks:
