Friday, 21 October 2011

Draigoch - Buggy as Hell - Trouble with GMs

I was in several runs on Draigoch, two of which were successful (with Tier 2 Challenge).

But today, Saturday, after the update, he bugged out three times in the third phase, so we spent over four hours on three attempts without anything to show for.

So of course we sent a ticket, which was the usual useless response (Sadly, we can't do anything). After the third time, they just closed the ticket without responding.

Draigoch, being several months late, is somehow fun, but extremely buggy. The second team of our kin had also one game bugging out... It mostly seems to happen with fellowship movements. So we tried to avoid them, but got a random one.

We did an other ticket, which got closed without an answer. A second ticket was sent and the sender was threatened by GM.

Even though we told him, that out of five fights, he bugged out four times in the same manner, didn't help.

"+Algar+: The number of occurrences does not change the fact that this fight is much to complex to fix manually for you."

So he asked

"(Name) tell +Algar+, 'you want to come into the raid and one shot him so this is ended with everyone happy?'"

"+Algar+: Nobody in our department is going to do that for you, (Name). If we could fix this for you, we happily would do so."

+Algar+ did not respond to tells, for more than ten minutes and did not close the ticket either. Which is fucking stupid, as they did ban one player of our kin, after not replying to a GM after ten minutes.

We then asked to get a senior GM, but after half an hour, we still did not have a response. After a long day at the office and five hours in the raid, I'm off to bed.

Warner Bros and Turbine are not offering the customer service you would expect from a North Korean company. Warner Bros should really think hard, if they want to be associate with such bad service.

Factually, we  almost tenmanned it, as one player crashed and couln't get back in and one person lagged so badly, that he was not able to contribute a lot to the fight.

The one raid Turbine managed to deliver, months after they had promissed to do so, the only raid at level-cap fails four out of five times. The real challenge for Draigoch is no the raid, it is being lucky enough to not have Draigoch bug out...

This is neither fun nor good customer service. Anyone got better experience with Turbine GMs? Tell me your worst stories!


  1. "I was in several runs on Draigoch, two of which were successful (with Tier 2 Challenge)."

    I'm a little confused and am hoping you can clear it up for me. It's my understanding that Tier 1 is the 24-person raid and Tier 2 is exactly the same but with only 12 people. What, though, is challenge mode?

    Also, whatever challenge mode is, can it be done only in Tier 2 or in both Tiers?


  2. Hello Tony. You are correct, Tier 1 is the 24-person raid and Tier 2 the 12-person raid.

    To get the Challenge Mode, the raid needs to successfully execute a series of twelve Fellowship Movements against Draigoch.

    As these Fellowship Movements weaken the paws, which makes damaging them easier, the challenge should be desireable for even PUGs.

    The reward is six Superior Fourth Marks, some silver and (not 100 percent sure about this) an additional chest.

  3. After a couple of weeks working to get the four pieces of armor I joined a raiding group and we got Draigoch down to approximately 8% when he bugged. This was two nights ago, November 21, so a full month after this article it's still not fixed and the GM's are still acting like there's no known issue. I'm not put off of LOTRO, but I won't waste my time on this instance again until they at least acknowledge the problem. What's REALLY scary is they're so willing to ban players for asking for help.

  4. Almost a year after this article, and Draigoch is still bugging out. Very sad, indeed. The devs are too busy working on Rohan to fix Draigoch, and soon, he will be a non-issue. Really sad, because I love running Draigoch when he doesn't bug out.
